About Jacqueline Gomez

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So far Jacqueline Gomez has created 4 blog entries.
  • Food Pantry Makeover

La despensa de alimentos de Growing Home se renueva

Growing Home's Food Pantry Gets A Makeover To Better Serve Our Community! We’re excited to share that Growing Home is remodeling our food pantry to create a more functional and welcoming space for our participants. This remodel is part of our ongoing commitment to providing dignified, accessible food and resources for families in the community. Here's What To Expect More Comfortable Shopping Environment. We're expanding and reorganizing the pantry to help families shop in a more comfortable and accessible space. Expanded TEFAP Section. We're improving the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) section to ensure that qualified participants can access this essential resource more efficiently. Increased Storage Capacity. We're increasing our storage capacity, allowing us to better plan and [...]

2024-12-16T09:54:33-07:00noviembre 18, 2024|Comentarios desactivados en Growing Home’s Food Pantry Gets A Makeover
  • Unfruitful: ‘Food Prices Go Up,’ Grocery Stores Spread Out, and Transportation is Tough

Infructuoso: "Los precios de los alimentos suben", las tiendas de comestibles se extienden y el transporte es difícil

Unfruitful: ‘Food Prices Go Up,’ Grocery Stores Spread Out, and Transportation is Tough By Luke Zarzecki lzarzecki@coloradocommunitymedia.com   On a warm August morning, the line at Growing Home’s food pantry is already long. People start gathering at the back of the building in Westminster up to two hours before the doors open.  They’re there to shop for nutritious foods they otherwise struggle to afford. Richard Cruz and Cassandra Crockett are among those who have come for help. They live together in Thornton. Cruz works full time as a delivery driver. Crockett used to work full time as a chef but had to stop due to a disability and she ran into health insurance problems. “It was just too much and I couldn’t [...]

2024-12-16T09:58:26-07:00agosto 24, 2023|Comentarios desactivados en Unfruitful: ‘Food Prices Go Up,’ Grocery Stores Spread Out, and Transportation is Tough
  • Art for Growing Home

Artistas se unen generosamente para apoyar el proyecto de un nuevo hogar para Growing Home

Artists Generously Turn Out To Support Growing Home’s New Home Project Local, national, and international artists have contributed artworks to the New Home for Growing Home Campaign Denver, June 18, 2023 – Growing Home, a North Denver nonprofit, is on the daily front lines in serving the needs of our underrepresented and most impacted communities with food, housing, parenting education, and support to achieve lifelong stability. After a chance encounter with a woman who was living in her car with two dogs outside St. Anthony North hospital where she worked, nurse Kathleen Drozda, founded the organization to serve the needs of families who had lost their homes or were at risk of becoming unhoused. As it celebrates its 25th year of operations, [...]

2024-12-16T09:58:51-07:00julio 19, 2023|Comentarios desactivados en Artists Generously Turn Out To Support Growing Home’s New Home Project
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