Our Offices and Food Pantry Will Be Closed Thursday 11/28 and Friday 11/29 in Observance of Thanksgiving.

Meet Our Wonderful Volunteers

April is National Volunteer Month, and at Growing Home we recognize our community support, not only this month, but year-round. Now in our 26th year, we continue to celebrate the power and gift of time of the hundreds of volunteers that contribute to our mission and the operations of our Food Pantry and community garden. Each day, we love with food as we serve North Denver families with the helping hands of our incredible volunteers.

Six of our Growing Home volunteers recently received the President’s Volunteer Service Awards for their high number of volunteer hours in 2023.

They are:

  • Anita Head
  • Sophia Coen
  • Jesse Bradshaw
  • Arminda Lozano
  • William Pickeral, and
  • Jimmy Trujillo
Meet Our Volunteers

We Truly Could Not Do What We Do Without You!

Last year, 300 volunteers provided 10,158 hours to support the mission of Growing Home. Thanks for caring and giving of your energy and compassion in the pursuit of an equitable and thriving community for all.