
During the Week of July 29th, We May Experience Food Shortages in Our Food Pantry. We Regret the Inconvenience Beyond Our Control.


In 1998, Kathleen Drozda was a career nurse who had specialized in neurology, neurosurgery, and trauma services. A chance encounter with a woman who was living in her car with her dogs in the parking lot at St. Anthony North Hospital would open her eyes to often invisible community needs and housing insecurity in Adams County. It all happened at the right place at the right time.

“We had a progressive CEO at St. Anthony’s. It’s a mission-driven hospital concerned with taking care of the community at large,” says Drozda.

As her awareness of the housing challenge grew, she shifted her focus to prevention and community outreach, engaging schools, churches, social workers, and community members. With the support of the hospital, donors, and her husband, Drozda established a 501(c)(3) organization, the Adams County Interfaith Hospitality Network, a moving shelter program that would eventually become Growing Home.

Fast forward 25 years, Growing Home’s has evolved into an organization that envisions a thriving, healthy, and equitable community for all. The nonprofit connects people to services and programs to drive community action in the areas of food, housing, parenting education, and lifelong stability.

Drozda continues to support Growing Home as a member of its board. She also volunteers and serves as a Growing Home ambassador.


In Gratitude: Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

A grant from Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, a progressive, forward-thinking order for social justice, provided the seed money to found Growing Home. It would be the first of many organizations to support and build on Kathleen Drozda’s idea and plan for an anti-poverty organization to assist the underserved in North Denver Metro.

Do you have questions or need assistance?
Fantastic non-profit organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty. Multi-generation, wrap around services approach to assist families. Awesome volunteers working together with small staff to make a real difference.
Growing Home
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