• Growing Home

Growing Home Announcement

Growing Home Announcement Growing Home thanks Karen Fox Elwell for her contribution as President and CEO of Growing Home and congratulates her on the designation as Division Director of Strategy, Policy, Communications, and Partnerships at the State of Colorado’s Department of Early Childhood. Growing Home has a solid foundation in place with a wonderful staff; a strong Leadership Team; a solid Strategic Plan through 2024 with an action plan for 2023 to carry the Strategic Plan forward; a passionate, engaged Board of Directors; positive financial standing; and a strong community of support behind Growing Home’s work. The Board of Directors and the Leadership Team have enacted a transition plan for Growing Home, effective December 2, 2022 with co-leadership roles for [...]

2023-01-17T20:39:36-07:00November 8, 2022|Comments Off on Growing Home Announcement
  • Parents as Teachers

Renewal of Blue Ribbon Affiliation for Parents as Teachers

Growing Home Receives Renewal of Blue Ribbon Affiliation for Parents as Teachers Parents as Teachers recognizes Growing Home’s program alignment with the evidence-based national model, inclusive of stellar data collection and impact documentation processes. With over 35 years of success, Parents as Teachers (PAT), the home visiting pioneer, continues to innovate and refine its successful model. Its mission is to promote the optimal early development, learning and health of children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers. Furthermore, PAT transforms research into outcomes because neuroscience and evidence-based practice are the basis of this home visiting model. Research is transformed into real-life resources and tools for home visiting, early development, and family support professionals. PAT has proven effective [...]

2023-01-17T12:11:33-07:00October 25, 2022|Comments Off on Renewal of Blue Ribbon Affiliation for Parents as Teachers
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